
trees part 2


Each project that I embark on tends to lead to new realizations and ideas that I would not have discovered otherwise. Only by having done the work am I lead to these new paths – it is impossible to imagine them beforehand – it doesn’t work that way. This is what I call following the creative impulse – working on projects in a way that allows them to unfold according to their own needs and inclinations that spontaneously arise during their execution. They tend to develop a life of their own and I end up just being thier servant. I am sure you have heard others speak of this as well. I have found that when I am able to make the room for this to happen in my life – and it doesn’t necessarily mean giving everything else up – I do have an unrelated part-time job that I have to take in order to pay the bills, but I still am able to have enough time in my life so that when I do engage with my artwork I have the mental/creative space to able to allow it to flourish unimpeded. So if new directions are discovered in the process, as they almost invariably are, I am able to pursue them as well. Again, this what I call following the creative impulse.

When I am able to follow this impulse adequately, I begin to live the creative life – a life that is contained within a creative world that starts to affect, develop, and enclose everything. One of the notable aspects of this phenomenon is the unlocking of certain domains within the dream realms (ie. dreams while sleeping) and this has happened to me before, for example during school, when I was making artwork all the time. Certain dream realms that are otherwise impossible to access are made available.

Last night I had a dream about an infinite landscape characterized by rivers, deserts, mountains, hills, valleys, and other various terrain. There were absolutely no living creatures, no plants nor animals. The colours were unlike anything I have ever seen during my waking hours and I understood that as I travelled deeper into this realm, the colours and forms would only become richer and deeper, as they were defined by an evolving language of their own. It was very vivid.

These are the kind of dreams and domains that I can only access when I am thoroughly engaged with my art. Though I have yet to acquire any significant outward recognition, I know that by the inspiration and understanding that I acquire from my own work and through evidence of the by-products such as the dream mentioned above, that I am in a good place. No matter what kind of reception; good, bad, or indifferent, the work itself serves as its own reward. I am working all the time, as I have been for over thirty years now, and this is all only going in one direction.

trees part two

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all three trees playing back at once:

finally starting to explore cellular automata:

prints and paintings



2D trees:

prints and paintings

project page on my website


blob shop

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