Part of an exercise in collective spontaneous structure. This piece began at the Arrowhead Show as just a pile of yarn that people would inevitably mess around with, either intentionally or absent-mindedly. It is in that way an expression of collective consciousness and can be read for that kind of information. During the OOZE.. I got entirely fed up with this pile of yarn that I had been dragging around with me and in a fit of inspiration I bound it up into a lovely little multicoloured ball, stabbed it with multiple skewers and constructed a multicoloured pipe cleaner network around it. See Blobjects -> Agglomeration -> Master Controllo for an summary and elaboration. It was also featured prominently in Super Mega Art Blast 2000. This object’s purpose is one of central control, the root of my artistic practice, the place from which all of my external work emanates as I begin exhibiting.