2012,12,23-2013,01,19 – The Art Space, Huntsville

- An ash I know, | Yggdrasil its name,
With water white | is the great tree wet;
Thence come the dews | that fall in the dales,
Green by Urth’s well | does it ever grow. - Thence come the maidens | mighty in wisdom,
Three from the dwelling | down ‘neath the tree;
Urth is one named, | Verthandi the next,–
On the wood they scored,– | and Skuld the third.
Laws they made there, and life allotted
To the sons of men, and set their fates.

2002,06,22 – Waden Hill
standing in a field of wheat
the sun and blue sky
a light breeze through the stalks
like a gentle voice
a chime
a consciousness of light

then the world splits in two
revealing the same world underneath
then that world splits in two
revealing the same world underneath
then that world splits in two
revealing the same world underneath…

bunch special times
The year was 2012 – galactic alignment according to certain groups. So this is a tribute to that by no small measure.
Left wall: all of my favourite crop circles from the start of the phenomenon (around 1980) to the current time. Displayed chronologically from left to right, so when you enter the gallery you see the first ones first.
On the right hand wall was a star chart tracing the ‘ecliptic’ path that contains the alignment. Here is a very description of all of that if you want some background. I have not read the entire thing – this is the domain of channelling and mysticism.
Someone said to me during the closing event of the show, that none of the prophecies describe how it turns out. Do we ascend, transform, will there be an actual apocalypse, etc.. no one could foretell how it was going to turn out – it is up to us. As of 2021, its looking pretty on track actually. Climate change much?
Another person told me that it is important to remember your dreams during the solstice – Dec. 21, 2012. I do – more on that later – I had a very unusual and particularly vivid and weird dream that night. This is the woman who approached me in a car dealership while my car was being fixed. She also did a reading of me there using a small pendulum crystal and told me that I may have a ‘walk-in’. She also said that everyone has an actual monetary worth of something like five billion dollars and that we can access this money with a certain black credit card. The elderly couple seated nearby and facing a different direction were sitting fully upright and not moving at all. She also sent me reams of .pdfs about all the conspiracy stuff that you hear about. She was ‘ptaah’, one of the two gate keepers. The .pdfs were absolutely ridiculous – some guy, a former (and self-admitted!) orchestrator of ponzi-schemes was their ‘cult’ leader and I couldn’t read more than a page of his writing. He talks to his readers as if they were infants, so anyways.
It was during this time that I was really pushing my psyche as far ‘out there’ as possible – way into the foil hat domain. I was seeing what was out there. People are right to be suspicious of the ‘New Age’ movement. There is however a lot of real gems that you not find anywhere else.
I had some strange friends at that time. One (definitely not a friend) of them ended up in Pentang maximum security. Yep, these are the kinds of people (predators) circulating the techno scene, no doubt about it. This is one of the many reasons I was only ever a tourist. I never dove in, I kind of half wanted to but something was definitely stopping me. I never really had that great a time because I knew there was a lot of corruption and really, there is just all the social illnesses of conventional society x 10! This is what ‘escaping’ leads to – something the same but even worse. Can’t stand it (the techno scene). It had its day back in the 90’s really. Still love the music though and that is what drew me – it still does. I will always love that music.
One of my friends at the time was helping a doctor with the editing of a textbook he was writing. He did remote healings over the phone with different people across the planet amongst other things. I tried a session (I had headaches then as I do now) for $200. I was told when he would be doing the work and I definitely did feel something at that moment but I guess I don’t have enough money to be well. Anyways, there was talk of aliens, chemtrails, illuminati, ghosts, a war in heaven, and plenty of angels. This was some of what I encountered on my strange journey as ‘far out’ as I could go. This is certainly a story about mental illness too and the techno scene is rife with that.
posters – flyers


closing EVNET