Peace Crane Project

September and October 2014
Muskoka Place Gallery
1182 Foreman Rd.,
Port Carling, ON 

artist’s statement (brief)

The cranes have been arranged according to NETTT architecture. The NETTT is a spontaneously formed, open-ended, three dimensional empty field of imaginary pure potential. All physical constructions, such as this installation, point to the imaginary one, serving to augment or affect it in some way. Each crane is located approximately within equal distance from all the cranes immediately surrounding it. It is modeled after white noise: an infinitely extending field of patternless material with uniform intensity throughout. The key to this arrangement is that the placement is somewhat arbitrary – there is no rule that defines precisely where each bird should be, and it is through this channel that living presence may assert itself. The creative act has been limited to a single degree of variation – standard scientific process of limiting variables. The generation of this field encodes the author’s and environment’s consciousness. All activity-living presence-awareness within, around, and directed at the NETTT is absorbed by it – ‘programming the NETTT’. An architecture of consciousness. A way of isolating and identifying in a precise way, spiritual-psychological-mental signature.
thank you to Gayle and the rest at Muskoka Place Gallery.

artist statement – full.pdf

gallery installation:

Saturday Sept. 27 – I gave a short talk, explaining my work and then Ondine Chorus, from Guelph, ON, played brilliant, sublime music for the rest of the night.

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