the original piece before the event – part 1
This is the entire ammo.js (a physics library used in graphics programming which has been minified) on a single sheet of paper. This is the original artwork as I created it and it is available in my online store as a physical print and as an NFT. I had this printed out on a 46″ x 63″ piece of paper and attached it to a white board. I then covered it with acetate and provided markers so that people could add to the artwork throughout the night. As you can see below, the results are excellent – a truly collaborative effort.
the original pdf
make sure to zoom in all the way (450%)
a smaller PNG version


during the event – part 2
This was facing the sidewalk. People were lined up to have their face painted next door so they were standing right there. There were two speakers on pole mounts. One, to the right of the board was facing down the alley. The other was positioned to the left of the board and was facing the sidewalk.

the final work after the event

I am particularly struck by the blue blob near the center. First of all, it is a blob so what isn’t to love about it? Secondly, during the event, I managed to catch the tail end of this ‘event’. A number of very small children, around 4-8 years old, were gathered around that spot and were participating in a kind of ‘swarming’ behavior. It was pretty cool and the results are just amazing. Part of the aim of this piece was to have the visuals and the audio influence people’s creative expression as they drew on the board. I think that this blue blob is really a perfect manifestation of what I am trying to express artistically: noise (white noise) as art, sponteanous structure, swarming, complex systems, dynamic systems. Bravo all! Beautiful!
Copies of both part 1 and part 2 are available in my blob shop and as NFTs. Incrediblobs indeed.