Nuit Blanche North 2022
Huntsville, ON
July 23, 2022

what or I mean wait no
This year I wanted to use the video/animation material that I had originally prepared for the NBN2019 show that was rained out. A showreel is provided below that gives a sense of the material. Plenty of new animations were added including material from HPBEHB and words things. Much of the audio that I used can be found on the albums listed below. This event was meant to be a bit of a showcase where I was remixing/live composing all the of the audio that I have produced over the past three years while playing bits of video/animation from the same period along with it.
While this was going on, participants were welcome to draw whatever they wanted on the ‘incrediblobs snorkagizer’ artwork that I had taped to a white board and set up against the fence facing the sidewalk. You can see the results below – I am pleasantly suprised. The audio and visuals I was playing and projecting were meant to influence the participants in their creative activity and I note on the ‘incrediblobs artwork’ page where this is apparent.
The weather was great – perfect temperature, no bugs, no wind, and of course, no rain. I managed to have a quick look at some of the surrounding installations as well as see some from a distance and overall it was truly spectacular, interesting, innovative, truly creative, and fun. It was also well attended. I am so happy to be a part of this yearly festival (and as you can see from the NBN main page on this website, I have been in every single show since the beginning). This was a great way to emerge from the pandemic.
Look through the pdf proposal for more details on what I am attempting to accomplish in this work – there are more aspects not covered here. The theme of this show was ‘connections’ and there is a way that this artwork functions as a network, albeit a very imaginary or conceptual one but it is there nonetheless! Egads!1

event summary video
pdf proposal
event poster


the audio album
This is the audio piece created during the show (and refined later on in the studio). Click image to go to Bandcamp page.
incrediblobs snorkagizer
The original visual artwork (click image).
some of the video/animations featured
Animations and video from previous NBN shows and other artworks.
photos from the event

some of the audio work featured in this show
(click on images to go to Bandcamp pages)
some various childrens

the music for this show used in ‘words things’ animations

1 Regarding connections: it depends on what you are looking for and also, its artwork so its really meant for seeing anthing in – art and science and also whatever].