now this one
This rendering is an example of an idea I have had for a while, which is to make a single triangle mesh that is a composite of a number of images, so the lines that make up the mesh are drawn from multiple images. In other words, each line drawn corresonds to one of the images (and one only) but different lines will correspond to different images. By the time all the lines have been drawn, all of the images have been referenced. Below you will find the various images used.
These images have been chosen to juxtapose how we as Canadian citizens experience Canada Day and how Indigenous people experience the same day. It is like a buring knife to the heart as the process of colonization continues to unfold to this very day. There is, of course, much to expand on here. Expect to see that soon. The struggle of Indiginous people in central to my work and my life. The crimes committed by our country in the past and in the present must not be tolerated.