Nuit Blanche Norith

Saturday, July 13, 2014 – Huntsville, ON

Much love and gratitude to all who joined in: Starr, Trixie Lance, Alexis Parr, Mandy Higgs, and Christine Heron. It is an great blessing that we could work together – thank you.

And many thanks to Dan Watson from Edge of the Woods of the Theatre and Huntsville Festival of the Arts for hosting such a successful and vibrant event – so much fun!

photo by Katherine Fleitas – peacephoto.com

video summary of event

Continuing from last year, the HARPPP was used once again as a stage for collective interaction. This time the NETTT was constructed over top of the visitors using green yarn and was illuminated by black light. At the beginning of the event Trixie, Starr, Alexsis Parr, Mandy Higgs, and Christine Heron ‘opened the channel of communication’ by performing a crystal bowl ceremony after which anyone was free to make noise within the HARPPP. There were four microphones positioned within the apparatus close to an assortment of modest sound making instruments and objects. During the event, all of the sounds picked up by the mics were mixed in real time with effects and my own compositions and recorded. There were accompanying visuals projected onto the church wall displaying the various projects I had been working on. Near the end of the event, the channel was closed by another crystal bowl ceremony, after which Christine Heron sang a couple of her songs to a royally enthused audience.

There was also a warm-up event, HARPPPART-Y, presented at Chaffey Hall in Huntsville a month earlier where recordings were made in a similar manner. Below are two of the final audio compositions using this material. The first was made using recordings from both events and the second was made using recordings from later in the evening during NBN. Material from the first composition is re-mixed in one of the sets presented for NBN2017.

warm-up event – June 26, 2014, Chaffey Hall

HARPPP2 proposal pdf for a full explanation:

from Nuit Blanche North website:




the next day

the next day the wind had a chance to make it’s own statement

2 replies on “HARPPP2”

I saw your setup last year, I came like right at the end and you had to fire everything back up. IT WAS SUPPPER COOL! Pity I’ll Miss it this year. Pics or it didn’t happen. You rock!!!

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