knot and trre

Electric Eclectics

Friday August 3 to Sunday August 5, 2018, Meaford, Ontario

Very grateful to be invited to participate in this show. Many thanks to Gordon Monahan and Laura Kikauka as well as my good friends Steve and Julia White. Very fun times. For all three nights, Friday to Sunday, I had the installation running as soon as the sun fell behind the horizon and I didn’t stop until 1 or 2 am – whenever there were no more visitors. This installation is such that I must be there to guide and control the process, take the recordings, play them back, play the interpretations (knots and trees) – I have to be there and I am explaining the entire process throughout which is something I really enjoy doing. People were really interested and had all sorts of interesting questions and comments. There was a great variety of people too. I really enjoyed this show. This is one of the first major shows outside of Nuit Blanche North that I have participated in and the people attending were definitely more tuned into installation art, audio art, and experimental electronic music as that is what Electric Eclectics is all about.

For a complete description of the NB – the software I developed for this event – and its knot and tree iteration go to this page.

In the photos you can see the sensor table in front and my laptop and mixer off to the left. Further into the trailer is the projection screen and on either side of that are the speakers on pole mounts (they have small blue lights on them). The empty triangle mesh is visible in the nighttime shots – this is what visitors would first be confronted with as they approached. The table interface consisted of a number of sensors embedded in cotton with a couple of strands of Christmas lights distributed throughout, giving it a friendly casual feel.