2018 – knot and trre

knot and trre

Summary of project as it was presented in 2018

The two links below will take you to the details of the two different events that this installation was presented at during the summer of 2018.

Nuit Blanche North in Huntsville, Ontario on July 28, and

Electric Eclectics in Meaford, Ontario from August 3 to 5th

On this page, however, you will find a complete description of the 2018 project itself.

a brief summary

full summary

images – stills

(click on image)

Here is a slideshow of all the images captured while using the software. There were so many that I produced this video as a convenient way to be able to survey them all. At first there is a rapid skimming through all of the images then after that each image is given two seconds viewing time. Video is handy because you can pause and skip to any point at any time.

composition playback

This is after a recording has been made, I can mix all of the different modes freely to create an animated composition. The different modes are described in detail in the next section.

an example of a collective re-mix – the kind of composition that participants will hear while using the sensors during an event:

and this is the original composition from which all of the source samples were drawn:

audio album – a compilation of all of the material generated by this installation (click the album cover to go to the corresponding Bandcamp Page):

analysis – sonification/visualization